Söeahi Metos XBM LT, vasakule avanevad grillsahtlid - Tooted - Metos EE
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- Kõik outlet tooted
- Toiduvalmistamine Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
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GN-nõud ja küpsetusplaadid
Toidu serveerimine ja transport
Serveerimisseadmed ja töötasapinnad
- Serveerimisseadmed ja töötasapinnad Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
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- Graanulnõudepesumasinad
- Tunnelnõudepesumasinad
- Eelpesumasinad WD kuppelnõudepesumasinatele
- Eelpesumasinad WD tunnelnõudepesumasinatele
- Konveiernõudepesumasinad
- Kandikupesumasinad
- Kärupesumasinad
- Multifunktsionaalsed nõudepesumasinad
Nõudepesu lisatarvikud ja furnituurid
- Nõudepesu lisatarvikud ja furnituurid Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
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- Furnituurid letialustele nõudepesumasinatele
- Furnituurid kuppelnõudepesumasinatele
- Furnituurid eelpesumasinatele
- Furnituurid potipesumasinatele
- Furnituurid tunnelnõudepesumasinatele
- Sorteerimislauad
- Eelpesuduššid
- Põrandapesuseadmed
- Aurupesurid ja survepesurid
- Kärud Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
- Tagasi
- Teeninduskärud
- Serveerimiskärud puidust tasapindadega
- Riiulkärud
- Kärud GN-nõudele
- Korvikärud
- Väljastuskäru
- Sektsioonkärud
- Potikärud
- Kandiku- ja söögiriistakärud
- Multifunktsionaalsed kärud
- Platvormkärud
- Valamukärud
- Biojäätmekärud ja jäätmekärud
- Kandikutagastuskärud
- Nõudetagastuskärud
- Taldrikukärud
- Jahukärud ja maitseainekärud
- Salatipesu kärud
- Muud kärud
- Kärud transpordikastidele
- Tõstetavad kärud
- Pesukärud
- Outlet Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
- Tagasi
- Ettevalmistus outlet
- Toiduvalmistamine outlet
- Toidu serveerimine ja transport outlet
- Serveerimisseadmed ja töötasapinnad outlet
- Klaas- ja õhkkardinaga vitriinid outlet
- Kohvimasinad outlet
- Baariseadmed ja baarimööbel outlet
- Külmsäilitus ja kiirjahutus outlet
- Nõudepesuseadmed outlet
- Köögimööbel outlet
- Kõik outlet tooted
KM lisandub hinnale
Kood: MG4050032
Söeahi Metos XBM LT, vasakule avanevad grillsahtlid
Metos X-Oven Burger Machine is a charcoal oven designed for burgers, which allows steaks to be fried and buns to be heated with one and the same device. When bo…
Hinnakirja hind 18 314,00 € Soodushind 11 642,00 €
Metos X-Oven Burger Machine is a charcoal oven designed for burgers, which allows steaks to be fried and buns to be heated with one and the same device. When both components are completed at the same time, the preparing is efficient, and the entire process is easily controlled by the chef. This Burger Machine model has two grill boxes that open to the left of the oven and are sized for frying burger steaks. The level on top of the oven provides a quick way to heat the crispy burger buns. Despite its small size, the oven forms a truly efficient production unit, with which real char-grilled burgers are quickly fried exactly as the chef wants them. The capacity reaches up to 100 burgers per hour.
Metos X-Ove's charcoal ovens are designed for the demanding griller - for cooking, where natural flavors are brought out while the structure and composition of the product are made exactly as desired. Special attention has been paid to work ergonomics and ease of use in the design of the device. In X-Oven ovens, the products to be grilled move on top of pull-out grill boxes. This allows for ergonomic working positions, better retention of combustion gases and heat inside the oven and helps prevent burns. The buns are prepared on the level on top of the appliance, which is at an ergonomic height (approx. 1200 mm) and well visible to the chef.
By adjusting the smoke extraction valve in the oven, the taste of the food can be easily influenced: closing the valve to get more amber into the chamber, opening it produces more flavor. When made in a charcoal oven, the high temperature encloses the surface of the raw material while preserving the mineral salts, juiciness, softness and texture. The controlled process brings out the natural flavors of the food, without fear of surface charring. The air circulation of the closed oven chamber is designed to provide a sufficient amount of oxygen to keep the charcoal alive but avoiding the development of uncontrolled flames. In this way, the temperature is stabilized, and the products become uniform. A controlled, energy-efficient combustion process optimizes the use of coal and reduces the generation of waste heat.
The charcoal oven is easy, comfortable and safe to use. The grill box is insulated from glowing coals and is thus not in direct contact with the heat source. The oven flue has an integrated fire breaker that prevents sparks or solid particles from entering the chimney. This allows the charcoal oven to be used both outdoors and indoors.
- charcoal oven with own base
- designed for making burgers
- two GN1 / 1 grill boxes, opens to the left
- integrated bun heater on the top of the oven
- capacity 100 burgers per hour
- stainless steel grid 370 × 540 mm
- charcoal hatch with window and thermometer
- operating temperature 280/380°C
- recommended amount of charcoal 6 kg, consumption 0.85 kg / hour
- average production level (300 g per portion) 100 portions / hour
- average operating time 5-7 hours (first 3-4 hours maximum temperatures, last 2-3 hours falling)
- fire breaker
- adjustable feet and two transport wheels
- stainless steel construction
- two 100 mm grill boxes
- wire brush
- charcoal brush
- cleaning brush for the fire breaker
- heat resistant gloves
- telescopic guides (spare pair)
- food safe grease (250 ml)
ACCESSORIES (to be ordered separately):
- charcoal
- ecological igniters 20 pcs / bag
Metos X-Ove's charcoal ovens are designed for the demanding griller - for cooking, where natural flavors are brought out while the structure and composition of the product are made exactly as desired. Special attention has been paid to work ergonomics and ease of use in the design of the device. In X-Oven ovens, the products to be grilled move on top of pull-out grill boxes. This allows for ergonomic working positions, better retention of combustion gases and heat inside the oven and helps prevent burns. The buns are prepared on the level on top of the appliance, which is at an ergonomic height (approx. 1200 mm) and well visible to the chef.
By adjusting the smoke extraction valve in the oven, the taste of the food can be easily influenced: closing the valve to get more amber into the chamber, opening it produces more flavor. When made in a charcoal oven, the high temperature encloses the surface of the raw material while preserving the mineral salts, juiciness, softness and texture. The controlled process brings out the natural flavors of the food, without fear of surface charring. The air circulation of the closed oven chamber is designed to provide a sufficient amount of oxygen to keep the charcoal alive but avoiding the development of uncontrolled flames. In this way, the temperature is stabilized, and the products become uniform. A controlled, energy-efficient combustion process optimizes the use of coal and reduces the generation of waste heat.
The charcoal oven is easy, comfortable and safe to use. The grill box is insulated from glowing coals and is thus not in direct contact with the heat source. The oven flue has an integrated fire breaker that prevents sparks or solid particles from entering the chimney. This allows the charcoal oven to be used both outdoors and indoors.
- charcoal oven with own base
- designed for making burgers
- two GN1 / 1 grill boxes, opens to the left
- integrated bun heater on the top of the oven
- capacity 100 burgers per hour
- stainless steel grid 370 × 540 mm
- charcoal hatch with window and thermometer
- operating temperature 280/380°C
- recommended amount of charcoal 6 kg, consumption 0.85 kg / hour
- average production level (300 g per portion) 100 portions / hour
- average operating time 5-7 hours (first 3-4 hours maximum temperatures, last 2-3 hours falling)
- fire breaker
- adjustable feet and two transport wheels
- stainless steel construction
- two 100 mm grill boxes
- wire brush
- charcoal brush
- cleaning brush for the fire breaker
- heat resistant gloves
- telescopic guides (spare pair)
- food safe grease (250 ml)
ACCESSORIES (to be ordered separately):
- charcoal
- ecological igniters 20 pcs / bag
Üldine | |
Kirjeldus | Söeahi Metos XBM LT, vasakule avanevad grillsahtlid |
Mõõtmed ja mahutavus | |
Mahutatavus | 100 x 180gr. burgers/hour |
Laius mm | 585/960 |
Sügavus mm | 840/1240 |
Kõrgus mm | 1190/1490 |
Pakendi maht | 0,788 m3 |
Pakendi mõõdud (LxPxH) | 70x90x125 cm |
Neto kaal | 250 kg |
Pakendi kaal | 280 kg |
Tehniline informatsioon | |
Märkused, gaas | Exhaust rate: 1500 m3/hour |