Combi kettle Metos CulinoPro 40E - Tooted - Metos EE
- Toiduvalmistamine Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
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- Hot-dogi seadmed
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GN-nõud ja küpsetusplaadid
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- Serveerimisseadmed ja töötasapinnad Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
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- Külmlett
- Külmsahtlid
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- Graanulnõudepesumasinad
- Tunnelnõudepesumasinad
- Eelpesumasinad WD kuppelnõudepesumasinatele
- Eelpesumasinad WD tunnelnõudepesumasinatele
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- Kandikupesumasinad
- Kärupesumasinad
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Nõudepesu lisatarvikud ja furnituurid
- Nõudepesu lisatarvikud ja furnituurid Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
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- Furnituurid kuppelnõudepesumasinatele
- Furnituurid eelpesumasinatele
- Furnituurid potipesumasinatele
- Furnituurid tunnelnõudepesumasinatele
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- Põrandapesuseadmed
- Aurupesurid ja survepesurid
- Kärud Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
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- Muud kärud
- Kärud transpordikastidele
- Tõstetavad kärud
- Pesukärud
- Outlet Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
- Tagasi
- Ettevalmistus outlet
- Toiduvalmistamine outlet
- Toidu serveerimine ja transport outlet
- Serveerimisseadmed ja töötasapinnad outlet
- Klaas- ja õhkkardinaga vitriinid outlet
- Kohvimasinad outlet
- Baariseadmed ja baarimööbel outlet
- Külmsäilitus ja kiirjahutus outlet
- Nõudepesuseadmed outlet
- Köögimööbel outlet
- Kõik outlet tooted
- Toiduvalmistamine Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
- Tagasi
- Katlad
- Hot Fill doseermispumbad
- Sous-vide keetjad
- Kiirkeedukapid
- Ahjud
- Pliidid
- Praepannid
- iVario
- Pizzaseadmed ja lisatarvikud
- Restoraniseadmete seeriad
- Küptsetusrestid
- Grillid
- Fritüürid
- Salamandrid ja rösterid
- Pastakeetjad
- Sushiseadmed
- Hot-dogi seadmed
- Tsirkulaatorid
GN-nõud ja küpsetusplaadid
Toidu serveerimine ja transport
Serveerimisseadmed ja töötasapinnad
- Serveerimisseadmed ja töötasapinnad Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
- Tagasi
- Buffee seeriad
- Soojasahtlid
- Marmiidid
- Soojendusega ülaosaga letid
- Soojakapid
- Külmsüvendid
- Külmlett
- Külmsahtlid
- Külmtöölaud
- Pizzatöölaud
- Neutraalletid
- Taldrikujagajad
- Veejagajad
- GN vaheliistud lettidele ja sahtlitele
- Soojalambid ja küttekehad
Serveerimise väiketarvikud
Klaas- ja õhkkardinaga vitriinid
Baariseadmed ja baarimööbel
Jää ja jäätise valmistamine / gelato
Külmsäilitus ja kiirjahutus
- Nõudepesumasinad Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
- Tagasi
- Klaasipesumasinad
- Letialused nõudepesumasinad
- Eestlaetavad nõudepesumasinad
- Kuppelnõudepesumasinad
- Potipesumasinad
- Graanulnõudepesumasinad
- Tunnelnõudepesumasinad
- Eelpesumasinad WD kuppelnõudepesumasinatele
- Eelpesumasinad WD tunnelnõudepesumasinatele
- Konveiernõudepesumasinad
- Kandikupesumasinad
- Kärupesumasinad
- Multifunktsionaalsed nõudepesumasinad
Nõudepesu lisatarvikud ja furnituurid
- Nõudepesu lisatarvikud ja furnituurid Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
- Tagasi
- Nõudepesukorvid
- Söögiriistatopsid
- Furnituurid letialustele nõudepesumasinatele
- Furnituurid kuppelnõudepesumasinatele
- Furnituurid eelpesumasinatele
- Furnituurid potipesumasinatele
- Furnituurid tunnelnõudepesumasinatele
- Sorteerimislauad
- Eelpesuduššid
- Põrandapesuseadmed
- Aurupesurid ja survepesurid
- Kärud Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
- Tagasi
- Teeninduskärud
- Serveerimiskärud puidust tasapindadega
- Riiulkärud
- Kärud GN-nõudele
- Korvikärud
- Väljastuskäru
- Sektsioonkärud
- Potikärud
- Kandiku- ja söögiriistakärud
- Multifunktsionaalsed kärud
- Platvormkärud
- Valamukärud
- Biojäätmekärud ja jäätmekärud
- Kandikutagastuskärud
- Nõudetagastuskärud
- Taldrikukärud
- Jahukärud ja maitseainekärud
- Salatipesu kärud
- Muud kärud
- Kärud transpordikastidele
- Tõstetavad kärud
- Pesukärud
- Outlet Näita kõiki tooteid kategoorias
- Tagasi
- Ettevalmistus outlet
- Toiduvalmistamine outlet
- Toidu serveerimine ja transport outlet
- Serveerimisseadmed ja töötasapinnad outlet
- Klaas- ja õhkkardinaga vitriinid outlet
- Kohvimasinad outlet
- Baariseadmed ja baarimööbel outlet
- Külmsäilitus ja kiirjahutus outlet
- Nõudepesuseadmed outlet
- Köögimööbel outlet
- Kõik outlet tooted
Kood: MG4224500
Combi kettle Metos CulinoPro 40E
The CulinoPro mixing combi kettle, fully manufactured in Finland. Reliable automation takes care of routine food production without constant care and monitoring…
The free-standing model has been designed to significantly reduce installation time, eliminates the need for drilling into the floor, or any heavy lifting as normally encountered during traditional installation methods. The CulinoPro meets all international and EU safety standards.
There is a wide range of optional features and accessories available for your Metos CulinoPro, such as strainer plates, whipping grids, a choice of 2 styles of hand shower, automated tap water cooling, decanting and pumping valves and a high-speed blender-top for pureeing soups and sauces.
Volume Gross Volume 48 Net volume 40 Litres
Electric kettle
-Electric Tilting
-7" high visibility digital touch screen control panel
-Variable speed mixing in two directions 15-140 rpm
-9 pre-programmed mixing programs
-Control pillar complete with a GN 1/1 sized smooth, seamless and easy to use workspace for chef's tools.
-Can be combined with other CulinoPro and Metos-kettles without an intermediate support pillar (saving space)
Standard features
-CulinoPro kettle with integrated mixer
-step-less mixing speed 15-140 rpm/min, auto reverse
-elevated control pillar with guiding touch panel
-audio-visual signals for user
-functional timer
-9 pre-set mixing programs for basic production recipes and washing
-ProTemp - intelligent heating settings from gentle warming to full power. Fully insulated kettle bowl panels.
-user privilege levels
-safety-grid lid
-automatic measured water filling
-electric tilting
-auto tilt-back
-USB Port on control panel for updates and HACCP data saving
-teacher status for demonstrations and training to new users
-machine error diagnostics for maintenance and service teams
-on screen energy and water consumption measuring
-steam jacket automatic water filling
-measuring stick
The control panel of the Metos CulinoPro is fully raised, with a highly visible and clear digital interface that is protected from bumps and steam from the kettle. All parts that become dirty in everyday use are easily removable without special tools and are cleaned using a dishwasher. The removable mixing tool is easy to clean and fitted with detachable scrapers. The quick release stainless steel lid has a 1/3 size safety grid to facilitate the adding of liquids and raw ingredients. On the control pillar top, there is a smooth workspace for chef's tools. Steam jacket automatic filling doesn't require user actions. The CulinoPro can be combined with other CulinoPro and Metos- kettles without an intermediate support pillar saving space. Tilting height from the pouring spout to the floor is 600mm.
MATERIAL The kettle is manufactured of stainless steel and the inner surface is made of acid resistant 316 stainless steel. The standard outside surface panels are only warm to the touch, as they fully insulate the user against the steam jacket. Protection class IPX5. The control panel, fully raised from the control pillar of the kettle allows easy line of sight of operations for the user.
- emergency stop button
- protected from bumps and from spray when washing
- informative and guiding touch screen
- only available functions active
- audio-visual signals to inform user
- info and error popup
- ongoing status can be seen from far on status display
- user manual for current situation can be read on the screen
- Protected USB connector at back of the control panel
- software updates and HACCP data saving with USB
- the kettle can be fitted with an integrated electrical socket outlet 230V 10A as an option.
- user privilege levels require login
- fitted with electric noise reduction system as standard so it does not interfere with other systems in the kitchen
- selected functions can be timed
- cook <(>&<)> hold heat holding function
- egg timer function
HEATING FUNCTION Display for real-time temperature for food and jacket temperature. Smart power setting enables sensitive cooking or full power cooking. The temperature setting range 0°C…120°C, setting accuracy and temperature display precision 1° C. Max operating pressure 1,0 bar which corresponds to +120°C in the inner jacket of the kettle. Optimal energy in all functions.
AUTOMATIC FOOD WATER FILLING Automatic food water filling is a standard feature. Works with buttons on touch screen. Button for set number of litres or other button open/close water tap. A waterspout is in an ideal place allowing the water filling even places where the water pressure is low. The water filling can be used even while tilting the kettle. A good example is rinsing pasta.
MIXER FEATURES The two directional mixing tool is bottom mounted, designed for auto reverse mixing allowing user to mix without breaking the product, even at low speeds. The adjustment range of the step-less mixing speed is 15- 140 rpm. Separate power mixing button for addition of raw material or spices. The kettle has nine pre-designated mixing patterns designed and tested by food-service professionals.
- stirring
- whipping
- mashing
- gentle stirring
- sautéing meat or vegetables, a powerful mix of back and forth pattern
- mashed potatoes, a powerful mix of back and forth pattern
- desserts
- porridges
- dough The mixer stops in less than a second if the lid is opened. Mixing significantly decreases the time spent on heating and cooling which saves energy.
HACCP Storage of HACCP data is collectable with USB drive through the USB port which is placed behind the raised control panel.
ENERGY CONSUMPTION MEASURING Electric heated kettles have energy consumption measuring which can be read on the display. The data is saved to the kettle diagnostics and can be downloaded through USB port.
WATER CONSUMPTION MEASURING Water consumption can be read from the display. Separate numbers for food water, bypass water and steam jacket filling water and total consumption.
TILTING FUNCTIONS Powerful and durable electric tilting with a press of a button. The tilting is possible only at the push of a button. Auto Tilt-back-function during kettle tilt, prevents overfilling of containers and relating to safety incidents that might occur pouring the hot product (adjustable with kettle parameters). Ergonomic tilting height of the pouring spout to the floor is 600 mm, which makes it easier to wash and allows emptying to bigger transport containers.
MAINTENANCE AND FAULT DIAGNOSTICS A log collects information about the use of the kettle and the operating hours for the possibility of power outage in the kitchen. Diagnostic information eases maintenance and troubleshooting.
OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY Unintentional pressing of buttons and rapid changes in mixer speed are prevented by the software. The mixer stops in less than a second if the lid is opened. Automatic steam condensing before cooling (option) is started. In case of electrical or water outage the kettle will notify the user if the production is delayed and for how long. The kettle indicates the duration of the outage and the functions and the program that have been running and the food temperature before and after the outage. If the water supply is inhibited the kettle doesn't heat the product. If the cover is opened during mixing it pauses. The kettle is tilting only at the push of button. Mixing with the lid open with the kettle in upright position is prevented in all circumstances in accordance with the safety regulations. The kettle reminds user to run a semiautomatic safety valve test.
TEACHER STATUS The use of the device can be safely trained without activating the functions. The CulinoPro also comes with a teaching app which shows the complete control panel.
COOLING OPTION When configured with C2 cooling, the kettle is able to circulate tap water through the jacket of the kettle and bring temperatures of food down to relative temperature according to the inbound water.
Üldine | |
Kirjeldus | Combi kettle Metos CulinoPro 40E |
Mõõtmed ja mahutavus | |
Mahutatavus | 40 litres |
Laius mm | 1047 |
Sügavus mm | 720 |
Kõrgus mm | 900/1535 |
Pakendi maht | 1,862 m3 |
Pakendi mõõdud (LxPxH) | 123x88x172 cm |
Neto kaal | 200 kg |
Pakendi kaal | 200 kg |
Tehniline informatsioon | |
Ühendusvõimsus kW | 12.5 |
Kaitsme võimsus A | 25 |
Elektripinge V | 400 |
Faaside arv | 3NPE |
Sagedus Hz | 50 |
Käivitusvool A | 23.9 |
Turvaklass (IP) | X5 |
Elektriühenduse tüüp | Fikseeritud |
Elektriühenduse kõrgus mm | 510 |
Külmaveeühendus diam. | R½" (Ø15) |
Külm vesi, keermeühendus | Väliskeere |
Külmavee vool l/min | 20 |
Külmavee surve min kPa | 250 |
Külmavee surve max kPa | 600 |
Külm vesi, ühenduse kõrgus mm | 200 |
Soojavee ühendus diam. | R½" (Ø15) |
Kuum vesi, keermeühendus | Väliskeere |
Soojavee surve min kPa | 250 |
Soojavee surve max kPa | 600 |
Soojaveeühenduse kõrgus mm | 200 |
Funktsioonid | |
Tööpõhimõte | elektrooniline |
Puhastamine | käsipesu |
Andmete edastamine | USB |
Veega täitmine | automaatne |
Kallutus | elektriline |
Manomeeter | Jah |
Kiirus rpm | 15-140 |
Teenused ja tarvikud
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